Category Archives: Publications

The Twentieth-Century World and Beyond: An International History since 1900

Author: William R. Keylor
Financing: Georgian translation of the book was prepared by the Center for Social Sciences and funded through the Book Translation Program by U.S. Embassy in Georgia. 
© for Georgian translation – Center for Social Sciences, 2015
© 2011, 2006, 2002, 1997, 1993, 1989 Oxford University Press (ISBN-13: 978-0-19-973634-8)

Translators: Tamar Khuntsaria, Bidzina Javakhishvili
Scienific editors: Aleksandre Rondeli, Ekaterine Metreveli

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Report Paper of The Study „Gender Discrimination In Georgian Labour Market“

The current study „Gender discrimination in Georgian labour market” focuses on gender, based on social constructionist theory, which claimes that gender is socially constructed and the gender differences are not based on person’s biology. Gender discrimination is defined as a situation, where one person is treated differently due to person’s gender, race, age, sexual orientation, etc.

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