Online Teaching and Higher Education

By Diana Lezhava, Center for Social Sciences

Center for Social Sciences starts a series of blog post on higher education and labour market within the research project ” Challenges to Bologna: High-productive Labour Force and Higher Education in Georgia” funded by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundations [grant № FR 18-13966].

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Managing Ambivalence: An Interplay Between the Wanted and Unwanted Aspects of European Integration in Georgia

Book Chapter

Author: Lia Tsuladze

Published by: Radeljić , B. , 2021, The Unwanted Europeanness? Understanding Division and Inclusion in Contemporary Europe, De Gruyter, DOI:

This work was supported by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia
(SRNSFG) under Basic Research State Grant [number FR17_91].

“Conditioned” Quality Assurance of Higher Education in Georgia: Talking the EU Talk

Journal Article

Authors: Mariam Amashukeli, Diana Lezhava, Marine Chitashvili

Published by: TalTech Journal of European Studies | Volume 10: Issue 2
DOI: | Published online: 13 Sep 2020

The article was prepared within the project “Challenges to Bologna: High-productive Labour Force and Higher Education in Georgia” implemented by CSS with the financial support of the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia (SRNSFG) [grant number FR 18-13966].

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