International Conference “Performing Europeanization: the Case of Georgia and Other EaP Countries”

On January 22-23, 2018 the Center for Social Sciences organized the international conference at the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia. 

The conference entitled “Performing Europeanization: the Case of Georgia and Other EaP Countries” was organized within the framework of CSS project “Raising Awareness on Georgia’s Europeanization in Academia” [RAGEA] with the co-funding of Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Activities.

The conference briught together established and emerging international and local practitioners and scholars who shared their research findings on the current developments and transformations taking place in Georgia and other EaP countries, as well as the EU’s enlargement strategy and Europeanization mechanisms targeting the EaP region.

The featured papers will be published in international peer-reviewed journal Caucasus Social Science Review.

Conference Program
